Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Exciting Changes

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso

I have found that exciting changes have been happening with my approach to photography.  When I go out to photograph, I am no longer looking for the single image to capture which will be processed and posted when I get home.  Instead,

I have been approaching my photography more as a collector of elements that might later be put together to create something else.

As an example, I recently went with dear friends to photograph at Old Car City, located in White, Georgia.  Old Car City is a photographer’s paradise.

I did find scenes that intrigued me on their own.

Shadows from the Past
Fall Reflections

But mostly, I enjoyed gathering images with the intent of making something else.

Here I took a rusty scene from one of the cars to use as a frame for my friend who was photographing nearby.

Framing a Friend

I spent much of the day simply shooting wonderful textures which I hope to use someday in a finished piece.  This was my favorite texture from the day.


My favorite images from the trip are two composite images I created.  One of the images I have submitted to the G+Scavenger Hunt.  I will not be able to share that one until all of the hunt images have been revealed.  It made me excited because I shot all of the pieces for the composite at Old Car City with the thought in mind of what I would do with them.

The composite I am sharing below is something that I thought of as I was looking through my images from Old Car City.

Dirty Windshield

I took the image of the windshield while at Old Car City.  The skull, which I had taken somewhere else, came to mind and I felt added a great deal to create a story.

I am thoroughly enjoying the changes that are happening with both my process and my products.  It is all quite an adventure.



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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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