Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Wait for It!

Sometimes, when photographing, you just have to wait…and wait…and wait.  Sometimes you don’t even know what it is you are waiting to take place.  But still, you wait because of the possibility.

Such was the case last weekend when

my husband, Randy, and I were at the Porsche Driving Experience Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  While Randy was driving, I was exploring with my camera.

My eyes kept being drawn to a scene out of the window.  The diagonal line of Porsches just kept grabbing my attention.  I began making different compositions of the line of vehicles to see if I could make a pleasing image.  I began by composing tightly on the line of vehicles.

Porche Out the Window No Car Closeup for blog

It just wasn’t what I had in mind so I went for a shot that included more of the surroundings.  There was still something missing.  When a red Porsche drove next to the line of cars, I thought the red blur might be just what was needed to make the shot.

Porche Outside view for blog

Even with the addition of the wider view and the blurred red vehicle, something was still missing.  I kept hoping perhaps a person, dressed in red, would walk into the scene.

Something just kept me there, hoping for an additional element.  I waited.  I then waited some more.

I was absolutely stunned when there was movement, not from below me in the scene, but rather from above.  I couldn’t believe my eyes as a window washer entered the scene from above.  Luckily, my camera and tripod were already in the proper position.  All I had to do was make sure my shutter speed was set properly in order to capture the window washer in the frame.

I took many images as he descended into the scene.  I have many that include his whole body and his face.  Once home, I looked through all of the images and felt that this one was the most impactful.

Washing Windows

So, the next time you find a scene that keeps your attention, but is missing something, take some time.  Wait for it!  It may be even better than you imagined it might be!

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.

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