“When young photographers ask me what they should do, I always tell them to stay close to home.”
-Annie Leibovitz
This autumn, I have had the opportunity to take a couple of day trips to enjoy fall colors, but I have spent most of my time
exploring in my own neighborhood. The benefits of photographing near home include: saving on gas money, less wear and tear on my car, getting in my steps, and watching as things change daily.
Since I have been retired for ten months, I am finally settling into a rhythm. After living a particular life for 33 1/2 years, it is extremely unsettling when that part of your life abruptly ends. It has taken me time to process my new life. My camera has been a huge help along the way.
Each morning, I take an hour or longer walk with my camera. While taking these walks I have enjoyed witnessing the changes of the fall leaves while experimenting with new techniques.
I have enjoyed taking photography classes. The class I am currently taking is Break Free From the Rules with April Milani. I am getting much inspiration to explore from April and my fellow participants.

I hope you will take time this weekend to take a look at your surroundings and find inspiration.
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Are you happy with the course? I am considering her course at Santa Fe Workshops.
Hi Peter. I have been very happy with the course. It is inspiring me to try new things, which I needed. I am sure the in-person experience would be amazing!
Mary, I always enjoy your blogs with your insights and honesty which completely compliment your photographs. I have enjoyed watching your journey as you experiment and grow in your photography. As I am also coming up on retirement (10 months to go) I have been thinking along a similar vein that my photography and walks in my surrounding area will become part of my daily routine rather than my weekend respite. I appreciate you sharing.
Pam, your kind words mean a great deal to me. Best to you as you make your transition to retirement! The mistake I made was thinking I would have everything figured out on the first day. Someone I met while walking gave me the best advice and that was to let it all reveal itself to me. Please feel free to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to be a help!