Mary Presson Roberts Photography

A Potential Wash Out

“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more
chances, Be more active, Show up more often.”
― Brian Tracy

Always go!  Seriously, ALWAYS go!  This is one of the most important lessons I have learned since I began my journey with photography more than decade ago.

I tend to go photograph favorite places time and time again.  Charleston is one of my must visit destinations in spring time.  In spring and fall, I visitGibbs Gardens each year.  Although springtime is glorious in Gibbs Gardens, I find fall to be even more spectacular.

Since I have a full time job and other responsibilities that are keeping me close to home, my opportunities to get away have been limited lately.

I planned to visit Gibbs Gardens for their Japanese Maples ColorFest on Wednesday.  I had the day off from work and looked forward to a day trip, even if it was a long one.

As my day off from work approached, so did the forecast of rain.  My trusty app, Darksky, predicted all day rain in Ball Ground, Georgia, where the gardens is located.

I kept going back and forth regarding whether or not I would make the nine hour round trip drive in a day to spend a few hours photographing.

The day before my day off, I purchased a ticket online for the following day at Gibbs Gardens.   Although I had my ticket, I still had not made up my mind whether or not I would make the trip.  That afternoon, after talking pros and cons with a friend, I decided I would stay closer to home rather than drive nine hours in the rain to photograph in the rain.  I would be responsible. I would get things done.

When I turned in that evening, I took a final look at social media.  When I scrolled down to a post of a fellow photographer, Mark Geistweite, everything changed in an instant.  It was like a message sent directly to me:  GO!  Mark posted stunning images he took at the gardens that day.

Wednesday morning, I packed my gear in the car and headed towards Ball Ground, Georgia.  Although I encountered some rain on my drive there, it was minimal.  I arrived about a half an hour after the gardens opened.  The weather forecast kept many others away from the gardens that day, so I was able to enjoy many areas on my own.

Color Fest
Color Fest




Standing Guard
Standing Guard


Autumn's Walkway
Autumn’s Walkway


Nature's Perfection
Nature’s Perfection


No Rain in Sight
No Rain in Sight


Explosion of Color
Explosion of Color


On My Way Out
On My Way Out

I spent about three glorious hours enjoying and photographing in the gardens that day.  I experienced very light rain at the beginning of my time there.  Not only was I able to experience the exceptional beauty of the gardens, I ended up meeting Mark Geistweite who was photographing again in the gardens that day.  I was able to thank him for helping me make the decision to make that trip.  I also ran into a friend I haven’t seen since high school while there.

The next time you are on the fence regarding a trip, regardless of uncertain weather predictions, just plan to go!











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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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