Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Seeing in the Mountains

“I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

It has been a while since I have photographed in the mountains.  This past weekend, I spent time with great friends Les and Janet Saucier.  We spent part of our weekend exploring the Blue Ridge Parkway with our cameras.

While photographing sunrise Sunday morning, we saw another photographer who had gone beyond the railing out on a ledge to photograph. At least one individual who ventured past the wall has died in the past at this overlook.

Physically, I am a cautious photographer. However, I like to push myself to the edge in other ways.  Once I look at my surroundings, I like pushing myself to see beyond what most people see in a specific location.

At our second overlook stop of the morning, the sunlit fog in the valley was the first thing that naturally drew my eye.  After spending some time enjoying the changes that occurred and capturing some of those changes on my memory card, I walked around to see what else I could see.

I always photograph my friends who are with me on these outings. When photographing Janet, I worked to find an interesting placement for the sun star.

The grass, bathed in early morning light, kept drawing my attention.  I worked to find a composition that would allow me to make an interesting (to me) photograph of that grass.

I was most excited about the photograph I discovered while looking at the rock wall.   It seemed there was a clear outline of a person or being.  I tried several different ways to photograph this.  I photographed it first in isolation.  Then I attempted a multiple exposure technique with the outline and my friend Janet. I finally settled on the single image you see here of me photographing the rock wall so that I could place my shadow close enough to the outline that intrigued me.

Les and Janet were also kind enough to help me create images for a personal project I am very excited about.  I imagine I will work at least another year on this particular project before sharing any images.  I love how a project leads me and my work in new directions.

It was an incredible weekend spent enjoying great food, conversation, and seeing the world with our cameras.  I am grateful for photography for allowing me to better see and appreciate all of the beauty surrounding me and for the amazing friendships it helped me form.


I am passionate about personal photography projects.  This fall, I will teach an online class about the power of personal photography projects.  I would love to have you join me for this experience.  For more information about the workshop and testimonials from past students, please click here.

Here are my other offerings available in 2024.  I am currently working on creating an exciting 2025.

Meet Your Muse in Raleigh co-teaching with Jamie Konarski Davidson, In Person, July 2024

Guided Book Study for Photographers, Online, July – October 2024       Now Full –  Please email to be put on the waitlist and to be notified of when this opportunity is released again

Creative Zoo Photography Workshop, Online and In Person, October and November 2024

Make Magic Using Digital Processing Tools, Online

Mentorship, Online, In Person, or a combination depending upon your location

Private Instruction, Online or In Person depending upon your location


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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.

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