Mary Presson Roberts Photography

A Visit with an Old, Dear Friend

“As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing.”
― John Muir


There are certain friendships that are so deep and special that you can go for long periods of time without seeing each other, yet when reunited, it is as if no time has passed.  I had an experience similar to this Saturday when I had the opportunity to visit an old “friend”.  That old friend is Eastatoe Falls.

Eastatoe is the most beautiful waterfall I have ever experienced.  Over the years, I have enjoyed special times at Eastatoe with friends and on my own.  These are some of my favorite images taken at Eastatoe through the years.

Majestic Glory
Majestic Glory


The Meeting
The Meeting




A Personal Favorite
A Personal Favorite

This weekend, I was able to visit Eastatoe Falls again as part of a fundraiser for Waterfall Keepers of North Carolina.  Eastatoe Falls is no longer accessible to the public as it once was.  Kevin Adams partnered with the current owner of Eastatoe Falls to offer access to the waterfall this weekend.

Waterfall Keepers of North Carolina is an organization dedicated to preserving the incredible waterfalls of North Carolina  and to provide education to promote enjoyment, safety and conservation of these natural wonders.   You can read all about Waterfall Keepers by clicking here

and visiting their website.

Kevin Adams, my teacher and friend, is the Founding Father of Waterfall Keepers.  He has been dedicated to the joy of appreciating waterfalls throughout his life.  Kevin has written books to help others locate, enjoy, and photograph waterfalls.  You can find his books here.

Saturday, when I walked down the stairs to the falls, I was filled with the same awe and wonder I have each time I visit.  The beauty simply takes my breath away.

Stairway to Heaven
Stairway to Heaven

The conditions were excellent for waterfall photography.  The light was diffused and the water level was high.

For some reason, I found myself most drawn to the intimate scenes before me.  Although I was always aware of the grand landscape by the sounds of the water and the spray as it hit my body, it was the small, quiet scenes that attracted me.

Along the Rocks
Along the Rocks


The Rocky Pool
The Rocky Pool


Just a Trickle
Just a Trickle

After a couple of hours, I said goodbye to my old friend, Eastatoe.  I left refreshed and renewed.

I am so thankful for the former owners of Eastatoe who introduced me to this beauty and allowed me to form a relationship with the falls.

I am also thankful for the new owners for finding a way to continue to share Eastatoe.

Special gratitude to my friends Kevin Adams for his work with Waterfall Keepers and making this day possible and also Chris Almerini who gave me the membership to this amazing organization as a gift.

I hope to have a chance to see Eastatoe again.   If not, I will revisit it in my photographs, my memory, and in my heart.









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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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