Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Images Thirty through Thirty-Seven of Fifty Two

“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Learning new programs necessary for teaching my students remotely, learning the curriculum of two new grade levels, planning and preparing for a wedding for my children and keeping up with my family responsibilities have left little time for photography.  However, I have made it a point to create my one picture per week regardless of what else has been fighting for my attention and time.  It has been my way

of keeping my skills current and my mind creative if only for a short time per week.

The challenge for week thirty in the 52 Frames project was Negative Space.  I used negative space in this image as I contemplated my uncertain future.

What Lies Ahead?
What Lies Ahead?


Water was the challenge for week thirty-one.  I am fortunate to live in a community that is built around Lake Wylie.  I only had to take a short drive that week to reach my subject.  I was drawn to the way the light danced across the water.

Water and Light
Water and Light

During week thirty-two our challenge was to photograph a new experience.  I decided I would create a self portrait.  I was amazed at how difficult it was to lock focus while making my self-portrait.  Using my remote and lots of trial and error, I was able to create my self-portrait which captured my white hair compliments of Covid (and time).

Candid Selfie
Candid Selfie

Night photography was the challenge for week thirty-three.  Rather than do what I typically think of as night photography, I ventured out to look for something different.  A heavy rainstorm created wonderful reflections in a parking garage one evening that week.

Night Reflections
Night Reflections

During week thirty-four, my husband, Randy, and I took a trip to Stump House Tunnel.  The challenge for the week was rule of odds.  I was able to show the rule of odds when one family of three entered the tunnel.  If  you have not already seen my post about this fascinating place, you can view it here.

The Adventurers
The Adventurers

In the thirty-fifth week of the project, the challenge was to photograph a common object.  During our weekend drive, I had Randy stop so that I could make an image using a gas pump.

Common Object
Common Object

During week thirty-six, the task was to choose three previous challenges and combine them to make one image.  The challenges I chose were negative space, rule of odds and common objects.


The challenge for week thirty-seven was to create an image using a single focal point.  Since my son got married earlier this month, the wedding and all of the planning leading up to it were a huge point of focus in our lives.  I thought focusing on the sign that my now daughter-in-law, Abi, created of her new last name in her handwriting was absolutely perfect for this challenge.


I hope you will take time to visit the 52 Frames website in order to see all of  the amazing images created by thousands of photographers for each of these challenges.

I am thankful for these challenges that are allowing me to continue my passion of photography even during these challenging and wildly busy times.


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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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