Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Image Three of 52

“This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfection.”

-Saint Augustine


The third challenge for the 52 Frames project was to create an image for the theme Wabi Sabi.

The first thing I did was do some research on the term Wabi Sabi.  My mother, an artist, let me borrow two of her books:  Living Wabi Sabi:  The True Beauty of  Your Life by Taro Gold and Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers by Leonard Koren.  These books gave me great information and a better understanding of the term Wabi Sabi.

Wabi Sabi is not just an artistic term, but for some, a way of life.

Wabi Sabi is the act of finding beauty in impermanence and imperfection.

This week, I set out to find beauty in impermanence and imperfection.

I started out looking for Wabi Sabi in nature.  It wasn’t difficult to find.

After the Rain
After the Rain


Tree Bark
Tree Bark

I am always drawn to these brown, delicate leaves.  They always seem to be dancing.

Dancing Through Winter
Dancing Through Winter

After coming inside, I also looked for Wabi Sabi in the non natural world.

In my mom’s basement, I found an old spelling book.  As a teacher, I was immediately drawn to it.  Looking at the fragile book, I wondered about its story.   How many hands had held and studied from this book?  Who repaired the book so that it could be used and studied more?

Spelling Book
Spelling Book

It was this book that I ended up using to create the image I would submit to 52Frames as my image for Wabi Sabi.

Spelling Book and a Feather
Spelling Book and a Feather


This image is of the back of the spelling book.  The feather…well, you know, everything just looks better with a feather.

This week, I enjoyed gaining a greater appreciation of finding beauty in imperfection.

Now, I am off to start creating images for the next challenge.


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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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