Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Week Six Composite: You’re Missing It

“Choose your favorite spade and dig a small, deep hole, located deep in the forest or a desolate area of the desert or tundra. Bury your cell phone and then find a hobby.”
― Nick Offerman

I am not yet ready to bury my cell phone, but I have become more mindful about how much time it is taking away from real interaction.

One summer, a very close friend came to visit me for a period of time.  She had recently acquired a “smart” phone.  This was long before most people had one.  I remember, vividly, how I felt sad because she was paying more attention to her phone than she was paying to having a conversation with me.

What I felt was so odd, at the time, has now become a way of life.  There are so many precious life moments, interactions, and observations being missed because we are all glued to our cell phones.

While traveling in the Grand Teton National Park last summer, I had the thought to do a series of images.  This thought came to me as I saw a young man staring at his cell phone while sitting on the edge of one of the most beautiful lakes I had ever encountered.  It was then that I thought I would make a series of images in a collection titled, You’re Missing It.

This week’s composite is the first in my You’re Missing It series.

You’re Missing It!

What have you been missing?

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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