Mary Presson Roberts Photography


“Consider this your permission to indulge that inner anarchist. Stop following the path you ought to take; follow instead the one you long to take.”
― David duChemin, VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography

I am so grateful that I was able to travel during the summer.  My destinations included Yellowstone, Grand Teton National Park, and the surrounding area.  This trip was during my last week of summer break.  Since it was at the end of the summer, I am just now getting the chance to dive into the images that I took there.

I find that images look different to me as I have distanced myself from the experience.  I see them more for what they are when I am not so tied emotionally to the time and feelings during the capture.

One of my favorite days of the trip was the day my friends and I visited Virginia City and Bannack State Park.  Prior to this trip, my only experience visiting a ghost town was while watching the Brady Bunch in my living room when I was a child.  Although we spent one day exploring these two locations, I could have easily found wonderful compositions at every turn if I had spent a whole week there.

I have found myself being drawn more to the intimate scenes rather than the “big picture”.  This was definitely the case during my day photographing in the ghost towns.

While driving into Virginia City, my eye was immediately drawn to the patterns on the wood that was being used to board up windows on a building.  This was the very first thing I headed towards to begin photographing.

I was really excited about the image.  I showed one of my friends who was with me on the trip.  She commented that I could have taken that picture anywhere.  It is true that I could have taken pictures of wood anywhere, but I couldn’t have taken pictures of this wood, these magnificent patterns, in this light anywhere.  It was only in that place, in that light, and in that moment.  This image will remain one of my favorites from the trip that week.

Once I got on the “wood kick”, I decided I would focus on the beauty, textures, and patterns of wood that day in those amazing places.  It is what was drawing my attention.

A class I took during the summer has really encouraged me to seek out the things that captivate me.

Throughout my journey in photography, I have been led to the perfect teacher at the perfect time along my path.  It truly has been magical. This summer was no exception.  I had honor of being able to learn from David duChemin with his new course, The Compelling Frame.  I learned more about myself and my photography by participating in this course.  David’s course helped me learn by looking at my own work and the work of the Masters in photography.  There were many “aha” moments that I had while going through his well-planned lessons.  His enthusiasm for photography is infectious.   I know that what I learned during my studies helped me during my photography trip.  It will also help me as I continue to learn and grow as a photographer.  David’s lessons and words encourage me to share the world as I see it, capture what draws me, and not be confined by the “rules”.  David has just released his course, The Compelling Frame.  You can read all about it here.

There are so many opportunities to learn and grow as a photographer.  All you have to do is open the door!

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.

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