Mary Presson Roberts Photography

The Big Storm

“One flake falls, twisting down through the empty sky. One frozen speck of snow. Then another, and another, and before I know it the roads will be covered in dozens of distinct flakes. All these little pieces combining to create one giant, volatile snowstorm, something beautiful and dangerous and epic”
― Sara Raasch, Snow Like Ashes

I am still a child at  heart in so many ways.  For instance, when snow is predicted for my area,

I get extremely excited.  I go to the grocery store with the  masses (or ask my husband, Randy, very nicely to go), I plan what extra time the upcoming storm might allow me, and I get my camera equipment ready for amazing photographic opportunities.

This was definitely the case Friday as I prepared myself for an incredible experience while being faced with inches and inches of snow.  I know people who live in the north laugh at us, but when you live in South Carolina, a good snow is so infrequent that it causes major excitement and anticipation.

The rain in my area began as predicted.  The rain was supposed to turn to snow by 9:00 p.m. Friday.  My worries began at 11:00 p.m. when the area still only had rain with perhaps some frozen pieces mixed in.  Nonetheless, I went to bed hopeful that I would awake to a deep, soft blanket of snow.  I hoped for a winter wonderland.

Well, inches and inches of beautiful snow did arrive, but not in my neighborhood.  The good snow was about two hour’s drive from home.  Unfortunately, we had enough icy precipitation that I didn’t feel safe getting in my car to chase it.

So, instead of feeling sorry for my lost photographic possibilities, I got my gear and went out exploring in my neighborhood to see what I could see.

I walk two and a half miles most days of the week.  I followed my normal route to see what I could see.  Along the path where I walk, I am always drawn to these little trees covered in brown leaves.  They seem so delicate and symbolize winter to me.  I always wish I cold make a composition of one of these trees that would convey what I am feeling and seeing.  On my “snow day” I made an attempt.  Although I still need to explore with these trees to find just the right composition, this is what I came away with Saturday.


After walking the two and a half miles, I ended up finding one of the images I was seeking in my own front yard.  The camellia bushes in my front yard are blooming.  I wanted to capture the effects of the ice/snow event on these bushes.


My favorite image of the day is one I will need to save until later.  I am participating in a scavenger hunt.  I needed an image for the word winter.  I will have to save my winter image until the scavenger hunt images are revealed.

Even if conditions do not turn out the way you would like for them to, there are photographic possibilities at every turn.  You just need to be open and look for them.

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.

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