Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Google Plus: A Great Place for Photographers Who Want to Learn and Grow

I want to share with you three amazing learning venues I have found using Google Plus.

The first of these is the Arcanum, Magical Academy of Artistic Mastery.  The Arcanum allows photographers to learn using

a Master-Apprentice model.  Photographers can apply to become a member of the Arcanum.  Masters select apprentices to make up their cohorts.  Once in a cohort, photographers learn from their Master and from the other members of the cohort as they complete challenges and levels.  In addition to learning from Masters and fellow apprentices, there is an extensive learning library within the Arcanum that is available to all members.

I have been an apprentice in the Arcanum since November 2014.  I simply cannot express how much I have learned in the time I have been in the Arcanum.  I have learned so much to strengthen my photography and to strengthen my teaching of photography with Master, Les Saucier.  I am learning the importance of having an online presence from my Master, A.D. Wheeler.  My work with A.D. has led to my entire website creation.  I have had his guidance and support every step of the way.

I am so appreciative of all that these amazing teachers and my fellow apprentices have done to help me grow as a photographer and a teacher.  It is really hard to describe how much can be gained from this experience.

There is a monthly cost involved in being a member of the Arcanum.  I have taken many workshops, online classes, and attended Photo Tours.  I do feel the Arcanum is a great value for all that you get out of it.  The more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

The second learning opportunity I would like to share with you is Chrysta Rae’s Scavenger Hunts.   Chrysta Rae started these scavenger hunts for photographers.  I am currently participating in my third hunt.  This is the eighteenth hunt.

There are 500 photographers who create images for ten words for each hunt.  At the end of the hunt, images are revealed.  It is absolutely amazing what creative images the photographers who participate come up with for the list.  Participation in these hunts helps you stretch your imagination and grow as a photographer.

The following images are ones I created for the scavenger hunt for the words greasy (grease paint) and bite.  The featured image is one I created for the word unsophisticated.   I was absolutely thrilled when my image for unsophisticated was awarded a first place by one of  the judges in the last hunt!

Greasy by Mary Presson Roberts

Bite by Mary Presson Roberts

The third opportunity I want to make you aware of are learning opportunities through the G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers.  I first stumbled upon this wonderful program a little more than a year ago.  I saw a post that was taking applications for photographers wanting to take an eight week course on lighting.  I had recently decided to purchase a new flash and took a shot at applying.  I was thankful and excited to be accepted into eight weeks of learning from Eric Raeber.  I simply could not believe all I was able to learn under his guidance in this program.  I was astonished that this program was absolutely free to all participants!

At the beginning of this year, I had the opportunity to lead one of these mentorship programs.  It was truly one of the best experiences of my life.  I enjoyed sharing what I could with the photographers who were part of the program.

magic Mentorship for fb

I hope that you will explore these amazing opportunities for learning and growth with your photography that can be found using Google Plus.

If you have others that you are aware of, I hope you will share them with us!

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.

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